About us
STM PRO is a family-run business that started when Kevin Stevens was learning about spec -up as a twelve year old. He went to a 'Joke and Magic Shop' to buy some fake blood and they sold him a small glass bottle labeled "Dracula Blood", which was unfortunately nothing more than red food colouring and not only did it not look realistic, but the blood stained everything it touched!
In 1993 Kevin established 'Stevens Theatrical Make-up' and began developing and selling his own range of stage bloods, latex, silicone, resins, scar waxes and a range of other products for the Special Effects industry. The company name was shortened to 'STM PRO', with a focus on manufacturing affordable professional grade products, so that beginners could learn with real products and not be forced to use products like 'Dracula Blood'. In 2016 STM PRO launched the HieroglyFX range of alcohol activated makeup palettes and liquid inks, which opened up a much wider customer base.
In 2018 Kevin's son Cam purchased the company and now runs STM PRO, with a focus on casting an mould making products, bringing a new range of silicones and resins and the continued development of new products to continue to offer professional mat